Vulnerability and Penetration Testing Houston, TX
The challenges faced in the modern cybersecurity era are staggering compared to the cyber security environment that existed no more than a decade ago. The threats faced by organizations continually pose a genuine risk to the integrity of a company’s infrastructure. Like in any sufficiently sized structure, even minor flaws can compromise the safety of the entire facility. It pays to have complete visibility into company operations, especially your security parameters, to maintain a capable vigil in case of a sudden attack by hackers. Enhancing your company’s visibility into its own operations starts with comprehensive vulnerability and penetration testing in Houston, TX, from Broadleaf Group.
Performing your own scans may be the most frugal decision in the short term. Still, the short-term losses and risk of incomplete analysis make vulnerability and penetration testing a job best left to a service provider with extensive experience. With Broadleaf Group’s history and inherent focus on security-minded solutions, our network security assessments leave no room for error.
The Benefits of Extensive Network Assessments
Broadleaf Group’s security solutions services exist to give your teams an advantage in developing impenetrable security parameters. Since the advent of the internet, hackers have been developing sophisticated malware to undermine the security efforts deployed by companies. As more security solutions are created, the cyber threat landscape adapts and finds new methods for exploitation. The cycle is ongoing, which means your company can never stop completely and assume you’re fully protected forever.
A scan you performed last year might be out-of-date as your network has developed new weaknesses since then. Most vulnerabilities will appear without ever directly alerting your teams to their presence. A part of Broadleaf Group’s security solution package is providing in-depth vulnerability and penetration testing. These services ensure your teams are equipped with the most visibility into your company operations. The insights gained from these compiled data reports are actionable collateral to be used to inform decision-making processes, guide remediation efforts, and improve your security stature.
Improved Threat Awareness
Viral threats come in various forms, with many gestating for some time before they make their move. A comprehensive scan provides immediate awareness of your security state, whether you’re at risk from external or internal weaknesses. It tracks threats currently present while informing your personnel of what they can do to identify these threats in the future. Keeping your workforce informed of standard cybersecurity practices helps improve security through proactive monitoring.
Risk Mitigation
Compiling your list of vulnerabilities gives more than enough information for your IT teams to implement widespread security updates to protect your network’s critical assets. With the new alterations to your cybersecurity program, future attacks will reduce the risk of damaging your infrastructure.
Better Internal Communication
While our teams handle the scanning aspects of the assessment, our first step is to work with your team to plan our approach. The strategies implemented to improve your security measures will require better communication throughout your company to identify and report new threats.
The safety and security of your company depend on visibility, and that visibility derives from vulnerability and penetration testing in Houston, TX. Give Broadleaf Group a call at 800-615-0866, or contact us online for a consultation.